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Draw the house plan to industry standards. Create a floor plan, roof plan, and elevations. You will need to place a door schedule and the correct annotations. 

Remodel wall types examples:


  • existing wall -



  • removed or demo wall -



  • new wall -

Create a new extension onto an existing house. The dimensions of the existing house are in the file called remodel. Open the remodel file and create a new add on which is called a remodel. When you open the file you will notice that the existing structure â€‹has a living room and a kitchen. Above the kitchen and living room you will add the following rooms into a 25' x 42'-4" expansion. 


·         New master bedroom

·         New master bath

·         new master walk in closet

·         new laundry in the south east corner

·         new dinning room

·         new sun room

·         new hidden office (the hidden room should have a simply low tech secret passage way into the room.


The remolded square foot should be no more than 1075 SQ. FT.

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