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  • ​3M06 - 100 PTS

  • 3M07 - 100 PTS

Part 1 - Mechanical Engineering

In this part of the class, Mark introduces you to his end-to-end creative engineering process. He designs and constructs a mechanical engineering build from start to finish, using pneumatics, springs, and motors to solve a problem relating to food. Along the way, he explains how to come up with ideas, design a build, make a prototype, and test and improve on a design. You will follow along with Mark and create a personalized mechanical build of your own in the category of food, leveling up your skills as a creative engineer in the process.



Go thru the brain storming process to develop something involving food. Show instructor you brain storming method and research method.


Show instructor a working proto type.


Show instructor final build.


​​Read Chapter 19 on 652. Answer the question below and enter into OPEN LMS under 3M06.

1. The purpose of design is to create products that meet _____ requirements.

A. ​functional 

B. economic

C. aesthetic

D. all of the above

E. non of the above

2. The first steps in design is to

A. create rough end use requirements.

B. define end use requirements.

C. write meaningful specifications.

D. construct a prototype of mock-up.

E. create detail drawings of the proposal.

3. Noncritical dimension on design drawing should be


A. marked as reference dimensions.

B. marked as nominal dimensions.

C. not toleranced. 

D. not dimensioned.

E. shown as limited dimensions. 

4. An assembly is a(n)

A. single, completed part.

B. two or more parts that are joined.

C. two or more parts that are part of a more complex product.

D. any of the above

E. none of the above

5. A prototype is a 

A. sample product.

B. half-scale mock-up.

C. model.

D. computer simulation and rendering of a product.

E. none of the above

6. Determination of end-use requirements for a new product is ascertained through

A. Market analysis 

B. surveys

C. model

D. testing

E. all of the above

7. If dimensional tolerance are too tight

A. assembly problems can occur.

B. the manufacturing processes will be difficult to control.

C. tooling cost will be too high.

D. the product may not be economically competitive. 

E. all of the above

8. An example of semipermanent attachment would be 

A. riveting

B. crimping 

C. studs

D. soft soldering

E. none of the above

9. Individual fasteners in assemblies 

A. designed out of the product. 

B. replaced by other processes.

C. avoided if possible

D. kept to a minimum

E. all of the above

10. To prevent loosening of fasteners

A. always use slotted nuts.

B. always use cotter pins.

C. use blind-rivets if possible.

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

11. The choice of material is

A. seldom important to the design process

B. a very important factor in the design process 

C. determined by the manufacturing process 

D. determined by the tolerances specified

E. usually an aesthetic or visual appearance decision 

12. the consumer is 

A. usually involved in the product design

B. is very useful in testing the manufactured product.

C. does not have sufficient knowledge to be involved in the design process

D. is most concerned with product with product appearance.

E. is too influenced by advertising to provide useful comments on a design

Read Chapter 19 on 652. Answer the question below and enter into OPEN LMS under 3M16.

1. The purpose of design is to create products that meet _____ requirements.

A. ​functional 

B. economic

C. aesthetic

D. all of the above

E. non of the above

2. The first steps in design is to

A. create rough end use requirements.

B. define end use requirements.

C. write meaningful specifications.

D. construct a prototype of mock-up.

E. create detail drawings of the proposal.

3. Noncritical dimension on design drawing should be


A. marked as reference dimensions.

B. marked as nominal dimensions.

C. not toleranced. 

D. not dimensioned.

E. shown as limited dimensions. 

4. An assembly is a(n)

A. single, completed part.

B. two or more parts that are joined.

C. two or more parts that are part of a more complex product.

D. any of the above

E. none of the above

5. A prototype is a 

A. sample product.

B. half-scale mock-up.

C. model.

D. computer simulation and rendering of a product.

E. none of the above

6. Determination of end-use requirements for a new product is ascertained through

A. Market analysis 

B. surveys

C. model

D. testing

E. all of the above

7. If dimensional tolerance are too tight

A. assembly problems can occur.

B. the manufacturing processes will be difficult to control.

C. tooling cost will be too high.

D. the product may not be economically competitive. 

E. all of the above

8. An example of semipermanent attachment would be 

A. riveting

B. crimping 

C. studs

D. soft soldering

E. none of the above

9. Individual fasteners in assemblies 

A. designed out of the product. 

B. replaced by other processes.

C. avoided if possible

D. kept to a minimum

E. all of the above

10. To prevent loosening of fasteners

A. always use slotted nuts.

B. always use cotter pins.

C. use blind-rivets if possible.

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

11. The choice of material is

A. seldom important to the design process

B. a very important factor in the design process 

C. determined by the manufacturing process 

D. determined by the tolerances specified

E. usually an aesthetic or visual appearance decision 

12. the consumer is 

A. usually involved in the product design

B. is very useful in testing the manufactured product.

C. does not have sufficient knowledge to be involved in the design process

D. is most concerned with product with product appearance.

E. is too influenced by advertising to provide useful comments on a design

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