Due the end of week 5.
80 pts - 1/2 Drawings
20 pts - List of 20 commands
Due the end of week 5.
80 pts - 1/2 Drawings
20 pts - List of 20 commands
Due the end of week 5.
80 pts - 1/2 Drawings
20 pts - List of 20 commands
Due the end of week 4.
100 pts - Assignment 1
Due the end of week 5.
100 pts - Assignment 2
Due the end of week 9.
20 pts - Per Assignment Exercise
Due the end of week 9.
20 pts - Per Assignment Exercise
Step 1- Create a portfolio using WIX.COM. If you need help refer to video.
If you need help creating a website, watch video.
Step 2-The Portfolio should have.
Page with you resume on your website and a resume that can be downloaded of your website . Refer to resume page for more details.
Page about you page and a way to contact you
Page linking your projects, awards, and achivements.
Step 3- When finish with your resume save and publish it. Update you resume and place you web adress on to your resume.
Use the sample below to help you understand what you might put on your portfolio.
A portfolio is a way to show others you work and what you have accomplished. Most Portfolios are in a hard copy form. Create a online portfolio is a great way to show your talents off. Its free and way may more effective.
Important note:
You can link facebook or other social media to our portfoilio. Remeber if you have stuff on you facebook that may hurt your chances of getting the job. Then you should note live that life style. If your proud of what activites you do in yiur personal life link your facebook.